Alumni Meet-2017
Channabasaveshwara Institute of Technology, Gubbi organized fourth Alumni meet on 17th Dec 2017 in CIT campus. Many Alumni played vital role in contacting their batches and others. The meet was attended by 225 alumnas.
It was a great pleasure to know about their accomplishments in professional lives. Most of them were visiting their Alma Mater for the first time since their graduation and naturally were thrilled to be back in the campus again.

Alumni Meet-2016
Channabasaveshwara Institute of Technology, Gubbi organized fourth Alumni meet on 26th January
2016 in CIT campus. Many Alumni played vital role in contacting their batches and others. The meet
was attended by 175 alumni of batches that gradated in year 2005 (first graduating batch) to 2015. It
was a great pleasure to know about their accomplishments in professional lives. Most of them were
visiting their Alma Mater for the first time since their graduation and naturally were thrilled to be
back in the campus again.

Alumni Meet-2013
Channabasaveshwara Institute of Technology, Gubbi organized its first Alumni meet of its Bangalore Chapter on 26th January 2013 at Hotel Holiday palms, Bangalore. Many Alumni from different batches participated in this grand event. This meet was attended by alumni batches graduated out from the year 2005 (first graduating branch) to 2012.

Alumni Meet-2009
Channabasaveshwara Institute of Technology, Gubbi organized ALUMNI MEET 2009, the second meet, to interact with the Alumni to exhibit and share their views at CIT Campus on 1st Nov 2009.

Alumni Meet-2008
Channabasaveshwara Institute of Technology, Gubbi organized ALUMNI MEET 2008, the first ever convention titled “CIT-G, Tumkur Alumni Convention 2008” program to facilitate, consolidate and coordinate Alumni Activities at the Institute.

“It is better to work out than rust out.”
Alumna's Words
Message from Miss. Shalini H R [1CG13IS043] 2013 batch CIT-CAT student from Information Science & Engineering department. She is working as Software engineer in MPS Pvt Ltd. Currently stays in Bangalore.
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Channabasaveshwara Institute of Technology, N.H. 206,B.H. Road, Gubbi, Tumkur – 572 216