The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering started in the year 2004 with an annual intake of 60 students. The department offers B.E. degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and has R & D centre. The department has qualified and dedicated faculty and are involved in research & development activities. The average experience of the faculty is very high. Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department caters to the needs of the U.G. students both in terms of Academics and Soft skills. The knowledge acquired during the courses helps them to be placed both in core and software companies.
Further the department has well equipped traditional & modern laboratories such as Basic Electrical Lab, Machines Lab, Power System Simulation Lab, Relay & High Voltage Lab, Circuits and simulation Lab, Microcontroller Lab, Control System Lab to cater the all round development of the students. Department has received a grant of about rupees 4 million from various sources like VGST, KSCST etc.
Students acquire software and hardware design capabilities which makes them efficient to face the corporate world. Some of the prominent companies who have placed EEE students are L&T, GE, PRDC, ROBERT BOSCH, WIPRO, INFOSYS, CTS and TCS etc..
The Course at the department, is a healthy amalgam of Power Engineering, Electronics and Computers; comprehensive and in keeping modern trends of Electrical and Electronics Engineering education. Course pattern at the department is planned to keep the students up to date with the recent trends and shifting technological paradigms, making them industry ready.
Students are required to do mini-projects at each level, undergo quizzes in addition to assignments and internal assessments. They are evaluated on regular basis there by making the course learning and just not grade oriented.