CIT- Entrepreneurship Development Cell
‘Entrepreneurship Development Cell’ was established in CIT, Gubbi campus during 2005. The basic objective of this cell is to encourage students to work on innovative projects and pursue entrepreneurial career. With a big push from central government through ‘Start-up India’, CIT-EDC cell is strengthening its activities. In 2017 CIT-EDC cell in association with DST, NSTEDB & EDI organized ‘Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp’ under DST-NIMAT Project 2017-18.
In the recent past CIT has established ‘Centre for Creativity’. Through this centre students’ creative ideas would be nurtured and taken forward. Start-ups are encouraged in CIT, Gubbi. It is a matter of pride that one of the start-ups ‘Eunoialabs’ is an offshoot from CIT, Gubbi campus.
- CIT EDP Cell in association with The Institution of Engineers (India) – Tumakuru Local Centre and Technical Institute for Engineers, Bangalore organized one day workshop on “ENTREPRENEURSHIP AWARENESS” For the Faculties and Final year UG / PG students on Saturday, 30th March 2019 in CIT campus.

- CIT EDP Cell in association with Department of Science & Technology, GOI, New Delhi & NSTEDB, New Delhi & EDI, Ahmedabad, Organized three days “Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp” from 18th to 20th May 2017 under DST-NIMAT Project 2017-18

- CIT EDP Cell organized one day Intercollegiate competition “Camptrepreneur-2017” on March 3, 2017 for undergraduate students from Tumkur District.

- CIT EDP Cell in association with District Industry Centre (DIC), Tumkur organized one day workshop on “ENTREPRENEURSHIP” For final & pre-final year B.E students on 27th September 2013 @ CIT, Gubbi campus

- Under the aegis of EDP Cell, CIT, Gubbi organized one day FDP on “Entrepreneurship” on 19th July 2011 for the faculty members of the college.

- CIT Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDP) in association with MSME Development Institute, Bangalore organized 22 days training program for SC/ST students on “Business Skill Development” from 18th Jan 2010 to 13 Feb, 2010 in the campus.

- ENTREPRENEUR AWARENESS CAMP was organized in association with VTU – EDC for CIT students, as a complete workshop from 10th to 12th April 2008.