Formation of Special Cell for COVID – 19 Pandemic
With reference to the VTU Circular No. VTU/PS/2020-21/06 dt. 05.05.2020, the Special Cell for COVID – 19 Pandemic was constituted in our Institution on 11.05.2020, for handling the students grievence related to Examination and Academic matters during COVID – 19 Pandemic, with the following composition:
- Shivaprakash M C, Dean (Exams)
- Keshav Prasanna, Dean (Students)
- Giridhar S Kulkarni, Dean (Administration)
- Pradeep V, Dean (Academics)
- Nagaraj H P, Professor and Head, EEE
- G S Suresh, Asst. Professor, CSE

Safety measures against COVID-19

Thermal Scanning

Chemical Fumigation

Safety measures at the entrance of each block

Safety measures at the entrance of each block

Safety measures at the entrance of each block

Social Distancing

Social Distancing

Working Environment

Working Environment

Working Environment
Own Products of CIT
CIT has developed its own products to use in the campus as a precautionary measure to prevent the spread of Covid 19.
1. Automated Hand Sanitizer Dispenser

- Built-in infrared smart sensor
- Fully automatic
- Touch-free operation
- Avoid the second cross-infection
- Durable finish standard
- Rustproof
- Unique Wall Design
- High strength

2. Hands Free Sanitizer Dispenser

- Dispensing time : 5- 10 sec per person
- Sanitizer Type: Multiple gel or spray or refill
- Consumption :0.5 ml per Stroke
- Bottle Height: Adjustable (100mm -150mm)
- Type: Foot pedal press
- Capacity: Up to 1 liters

Activities During LockDown
The Covid-19 pandemic has forced the colleges to shut down from the mid of March 2020 and has caused havoc in the regular teaching-learning process. Even as the entire country battles the pandemic with a lockdown, CIT have not forsaken its primary responsibility to the students. CIT has immediately shifted to the online platform to keep the ball rolling.
Here are the steps taken by CIT to keep the academic going.
Licensed version of Zoom Video Conferencing
- CIT is using licensed version of Zoom Video Conferencing software for conducting the Online Classes.
- The online classes are started from 16thMarch 2020 as per the regular time table immediately after the lockdown is imposed.
- The faculty members of CIT were adopted to use the Zoom Video Conferencing tool as the part of the system, well before the lockdown. This enabled the faculty members to easily shift the teaching-learning process to the online mode.
- Around 25% of the syllabus was completed before lockdown through regular offline teaching mode. Remaining 75% of the syllabus is completed during the lockdown period through online mode.
- The online classes are automatically recorded and stored in the zoom’s cloud space as video format, as we are using licensed Zoom platform. The links of the recorded classes are shared to the students who have missed the live classes due to network issues.
- The faculty members have effectively used the interactive features of the Zoom Video Conferencing software such as sharing the documents and multimedia contents; sharing the faculty’s computer screen with the students; using the virtual whiteboard and enabling the students to use annotation tools in the whiteboard.
- Around 70% of the students were actively attended the online classes. Remaining students were unable to connect due to the poor Internet connectivity in the rural places.
- 5513 no. of online classes are conducted during this lockdown.

Moodle, as a Learning Management System
- The Institution has implemented Moodle, as a Learning Management System that enables faculty to create their own site filled with dynamic courses that extend learning, anytime, anywhere.
- Faculty of CIT are using Moodle LMS for sharing the Teaching- Learning resources with students such as Lecture Notes, Course Materials, Question banks, Presentations and Assignments.
Students’ Feedback is also received through Moodle.

Guest Lectures through Zoom Video Conferencing
- Online Guest Lectures are organized through Zoom Video Conferencing to augment the students with the latest updates and to enhance the academic experience of the students.
- 85 Online Guest Lectures from External Experts were conducted during this lockdown period by the departments in various subjects.lectures are
- Eminent Guests from Industry and Educational Institutions were invited from both India and abroad.
Details of Guest Lectures conducted during lockdown | |||||
Department of Computer Science & Engineering | |||||
Sl. No | Subject Name | Subject Code | Sem | Guest Speaker Details | Date |
1 | Operating Systems | 18CS43 / 17CS64 | IV / VI | Mr. Gangadhar S Software Developer TCS Research & Innovation Labs, Bangalore 9483845366 | 15.04.2020 |
2 | Mr. Pavan S Senior UI Developer Flipkart, Bangalore 8884953274 | 16.04.2020 | |||
3 | Design & Analysis of Algorithms | 18CS42 | IV | Prof. Sheetal S East West College of Engineering, Bangalore 8951170509 | 02-05-2020 |
4 | Micro Controllers & Embedded Systems | 18CS44 | IV | Mrs. Vidya N J Senior Project Manager, APTIV TCI, Bangalore. 9980557125 | 30-04-2020 |
5 | Mr. Vinay H M Manager, Training & Development Cientra Tech Solutions, Bangalore. +91 9480049810 | 25-04-2020 | |||
6 | Object Oriented Concepts | 18CS45 | IV | Mr. Sriharsha Udupi Senior Solutions Architect, UST Global Private Limited Central London, UK. +44 7448 068714 | 02-05-2020 |
7 | Data Communications | 18CS46 | IV | Mr. Dayanand H S 5G V&V Team Lead, Intel INC, Bangalore. +919591608247 | 22-04-2020 |
8 | Cryptography, Network Security & Cyber Law | 17CS61 | VI | Dr. Gururaj H L Associate Professor Vidyavardaka College of Engg, Mysore 9686418942 | 16.04.2020 |
9 | Computer Graphics & Visualization | 17CS62 | VI | Mr. Pawan Kumar S P Assistant Professor Vidyavardaka College of Engg, Mysore 8095699637 | 17.04.2020 |
10 | System Software & Compiler Design | 17CS63 | VI | Mr. Gurumurthy Associate Projects, Cognizant Technology Solutions, Bangalore. 8951170509 | 26-04-2020 |
11 | Internet of things & Applications | 15CS81 | VIII | Prof. Ravishankar C V, Professor & Head Department of ECE, SAIT, Bangalore +91 99861 55861 | 30-04-2020 |
12 | Big Data Analytics | 15CS82 | VIII | Mr. Lohitesh Kumar N Technical Lead Amaedus, Bangalore 7892090879 | 16.04.2020 |
Department of Information Science & Engineering | |||||
Sl. No | Subject Name | Subject Code | Sem | Guest Speaker Details | Date |
1 | Design & Analysis of Algorithms | 18CS42 | IV | Mr. Harshavardana Jogi Gowda Infrastructure Engineer DXC Technology, Australia Ph: +61466095535 Email: | 27.04.2020 |
2 | Object Oriented Concepts | 18CS45 | IV | Mr. Sriharsha Udupi Senior Solutions Architect UST Global Private Limited, Central London Ph: +447448068714 Email: | 02.05.2020 |
3 | Data Communications | 18CS46 | IV | Dr. Rajagopal A Associate Professor, Department of ECE Dayananda Sagar Coll. of Engg., Bangalore Ph: 9844042402 Email: | 24.04.2020 |
4 | File Structures | 17IS62 | VI | Mr. Suraj Prasad Senior Engineer Commvault Systems Pvt Ltd, Bangalore Ph: 9738928853 Email: | 19.04.2020 |
5 | Software Testing | 17IS63 | VI | Mr. Jeevan Srinivas Test Lead NextGen Healthcare Pvt Ltd, Bangalore Ph:9620305655 Email: | 24.04.2020 |
6 | Operating Systems | 17CS64 | VI | Mr .Venkatesh Technical Consultant Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Bangalore Ph: 99406 37158 Email: | 16.04.2020 |
7 | Big Data Analytics | 15CS82 | VIII | Dr. Pramod T C Associate Professor, Faculty of CS&T Dayananda Sagar University, Bangalore Ph: 8123432938 Email: | 27.04.2020 |
8 | User Interface Design | 15CS833 | VIII | Ms. Madhura H V Senior Software Developer OBAPS Global Technologies Pvt Ltd Ph: 9743275247 Email: | 19.04.2020 |
9 | C Programming for Problem Solving | 18CPS23 | II | Mr. Mohan Kumar T G Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bengaluru Ph: 8747901035 Email: | 04.05.2020 |
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering | |||||
Sl. No | Subject Name | Subject Code | Sem | Guest Speaker Details | Date |
1 | VLSI Design | 17EC63 | VI | Dr. J Praveen Professor & Dean, ECE Dept Alva’s Institute of Engg & Technology, Moodabidri 9886083949 | 13.04.2020 |
2 | Dr. Ravindra Rajput Professor, ECE Department CPGS, Kalburgi ph no:8884767555 praveenj_vishruth@yahoo.vom | 20.04.2020 | |||
3 | Engineering Statistics & Linear Algebra | 18EC44 | IV | Mr. Naveen kumar L Deputy Engineer BEL Bangalore ph no:9742561431 | 29.04.2020 |
4 | Microcontroller | 18EC46 | IV | Mr. Nagaraju C Asst professor, Department of ECE National Institute of Engineering, Mysore ph no:9886239023 | 25.04.2020 |
5 | ARM Microcontroller | 15EC62 | VI | Prof Anjan Kumar BIT 9448554852 | 23-04-2020 |
6 | Digital Switching systems | 15EC654 | VI | Mrs.Prathibha C KIT Tiptur ph no:9742561431 | 25-04-2020 |
7 | Technical Seminar | 15ECS86 | VIII | Dr. Ganesh Aital ph no:9448263433 | 20-04-2020 |
8 | Mr.C.R Rajagopal ph no:9448603061 | ||||
9 | Fiber Optic networks | 15EC82 | VIII | Dr.Aravind BN ph no.9844385450 | 27-04-2020 |
10 | Project work | 15CP85 | VIII | Mr.D Suresh 980050048 | 24-04-2020 |
11 | Mr.Lokananda prabhu Ellucian Higher Education System, Bangalore ph no:7022865125 | 26-04-2020 |
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering | |||||
Sl. No | Subject Name | Subject Code | Sem | Guest Speaker Details | Date |
1 | Power Generation and economics | 18EE42 | IV | Prof. Guruprasanna Deputy Manager (Rtrd), NGEF Prof.EEE SCE, Bangalore 9845463237 | 23-04-2020 |
2 | Transmission and distribution | 18EE43 | IV | Dr.Dharmasa Pawar Program Manager, Electrical Engg, National University, MUSCAT. 00968-95231621 | 17-04-2020 |
3 | Electric motors | 18EE44 | IV | Prof.Sunanda. C EEE Department R V College of Engg, Bangalore 9844436428 | 27-4-2020 |
4 | Electromagnetic field theory | 18EE45 | IV | Prof.Ravishankar MN ECE Department Sapthagiri College of Engg Bangalore 9110414253 | 8-04-2020 |
5 | Control Systems | 17EE61 | VI | Mrs.Ramya M EEE Department Sapthagiri College of Engg, Bangalore Mobile:9035344998 | 15-4-2020 |
6 | Power System Analysis-1 | 17EE62 | VI | Mr.Yousuf Madar EEE Department Sapthagiri College of Engg Bangalore Mobile:9972214722 | 14-4-2020 |
7 | Electrical machine design | 17EE64 | VI | Prof.Rekha S N EEE Department Sapthagiri College of Engg Bangalore Mobile:9448387319 | 9-4-2020 |
8 | Solar & wind Energy | 17EE654 | VI | Prof.Muralikrishna EEE Department Sapthagiri College of Engg Bangalore Mobile:9844066828 | 10-4-2020 |
9 | Sensors and Transducers | 17EE662 | VI | Mrs.Chaitra R Asst.Manager Gnat Technologies , Tumkur 8296185108 | 25-4-2020 |
10 | Power System Operation and Control | 15EE81 | VIII | Prof.Dhamodaran A EEE Department Sapthagiri College of Engg Bangalore Mobile:9620540352 | 8-4-2020 |
11 | Industrial Drives and Applications | 15EE82 | VIII | Dr.H D Ramesh Professor. EEE Dept UVCE, Bangalore Mobile: 9448508251 | 8-4-2020 |
12 | Industrial Drives and Applications | 15EE82 | VIII | Mr.Arunkumar S Sr technical consultant VV Technologies, Bangalore Mobile:8722767944 | 8-4-2020 |
13 | Basic Electrical Engineering | 18ELE23 | II | Dr. Neelshetty K Profesoor & Head, EEE GND College of Engg Mobile: 9448582987 | 9-4-2020 |
14 | Basic Electrical Engineering | 18ELE23 | II | Mrs.Sowmya S P Deputy Program Director, EPE EEE section, Higher College of Technology, MUSCAT 0096897320234 | 21-4-2020 |
Department of Civil Engineering | |||||
Sl. No | Subject Name | Subject Code | Sem | Guest Speaker Details | Date |
1 | Water Resources Management | 17CV661 | VI | Mr. Bharatha H S 8553570715 | 22-04-2020 |
2 | Quantity Surveying & Construction Management | 15CV81 | VIII | Mr. H C Yathish 7892089483 | 24-04-2020 |
3 | Water Resource management | 17CV64 | VI / VIII | Mr. Tejas K 9449890035 | 25-04-2020 |
4 | Highway Engineering | 17CV63 | VI | Suchetha R 9738634341 | 28-04-2020 |
5 | Analysis of Determinate structures | 18CV42 | IV | Dr. Raviraj S 9611854096 | 28-04-2020 |
6 | Construction Management & Entrepreneurship Sub surface investigation | 17CV63 | VI | Mrs Lavanya B A | 19.04.2020 |
7 | Prof. Yadhunandan PhD Scholar, IISc , Bangalore 9972551957 | 01.05.2020 |
Department of Mechanical Engineering | |||||
Sl. No | Subject Name | Subject Code | Sem | Guest Speaker Details | Date |
1 | Applied Thermodynamics | 18ME42 | IV | Mr.Faheem Akthar Asst. Prof. Navodaya Institute of Technology, Raichur Cell:9986671389 | 21.04.2020 |
2 | Dr.C R Rajashekar, Prof & Head MITE,Moodbidri email: cell:9008530758 | ||||
3 | Fluid Mechanics | 18ME43 | IV | Dr. Tilak S R Asso. Prof. Brindavan college Cell: 9036678030 | 21.04.2020 |
4 | Kinematics of Machinery | 18ME44 | IV | Dr. Neelakanta V.L. Professor MITE, Moodabidare Cell: 9480267239 | 21.04.2020 |
5 | Mechanical Measurements & Metrology | 18ME46B | IV | Mr. Nandan H N Quality Incharge Rane Valves Ltd. Cell : 6361764730 | 20.04.2020 |
6 | Metal Casting & Welding | 18ME45B | IV | Mr. Ramesh Naik, Reaserch Scholar, Industrial Exopsure, Mangaluru Cell:9844847554 | 23/04/2020 |
7 | CAMD | 18ME46A | IV | Mr. Sharaschandra CADD Centre, Tumkur Cell:9886649088 | 30.04.2020 01.05.2020 |
8 | Finite Element Analysis | 17ME61 | VI | Mr. Sharaschandra CADD Centre, Tumkur Cell:9886649088 | 24/04/20 |
9 | Computer integrated manufacturing | 17ME62 | VI | Dr. Geetha Nagaraj Asso. Prof. EWCE, Yalahanka, Bangalore, Karnataka Contact No. : 9880622638 Email: | 23.04.2020 |
10 | Heat transfer | 17ME63 | VI | Mr.Keerthi Kumar N Assistant Prof. Dept. of Mech. Engg. BMSIT, Bangalore Cell: 9743634934 | 06.05.2020 |
11 | Design of Machine Element -2 | 17ME64 | VI | Dr. P L Sreenivas Murthy Professor, MSRIT Bengaluru Mob-+91 98862 65443 | 22/04/20 |
12 | Industrial safety | 17ME662 | VI | Mr. Bheemsen Rao , Senior Manager, Dickinson Fowler, Bangalore Contact No: 9886896935 Email id: | 24/04/20 |
13 | Operation Research | 15ME81 | VIII | Dr. B P Shivakumar Prof. Dept of Mech. Engg. JSSATE, Bangalore email: Cell: 9731387331 | 22.04.2020 |
14 | Green Manufacturing | 15ME834 | VIII | Mr. Shivaramu L, Assistant Professor,Department of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, Contact No.+919741736659 Email: | 24/4/2020 |
Department of MBA | |||||
Sl. No | Subject Name | Subject Code | Sem | Guest Speaker Details | Date |
1 | Sales Management | 18MBAMM401 | IV | Prof. Brijesh Singh Associate Professor, Dept. Of MBA, SJBIT, Bengaluru Mobile:9964152152 | 22-04-2020 |
2 | International Human Resource Management | IV | Dr. Mamatha HOD, Dept. of MBA SJBIT, Bengaluru. Mobile: 9901176722 | 01-05-2020 | |
3 | Integrated Marketing communication | IV | Prof.Dr. Akhila Udupa Assos. Professor, School of Management Studies Presidency University, Bangalore, Mobile: 9880938521 | 02-05-2020 | |
4 | Entrepreneurial Development | 18MBA26 | II | Dr.Susheela Devi B Devaru Professor,Dept. Of MBA Dr.AIT, Bengaluru Mob: 94491220340 | 23-04-2020 |
5 | Research Methods | II | Dr. Nagaraju G Dept.of Chemistry, SIT, Tumkur mobile: 9620157141 | 24-04-2020 | |
6 | Human Resource Management | II | Dr. Mamatha HOD, Dept. of MBA SJBIT, Bengaluru Mobile: 9901176722 | 30-04-2020 | |
7 | Strategic Management | II | Dr. R Shashidhar, Professor, Davangere University Mobile: 9008666889 | 02-05-2020 | |
8 | Impact of COVID-19 on Banking sector | II/IV | Praveen Kumar L Officer scale 1 Canara bank regional office, Tumkur Mobile No:9481491170 | 4/5/2020 | |
9 | Impact of COVID-19 on Fashion and Apparel Industry | II/IV | Mrs. Disha Agrawal Fashion Entrepreneur Mobile No:9871294219 | 5/5/2020 | |
10 | Impact of COVID-19 on Insurance sector | II/IV | Development Officer, LIC of India , Tumkur Mob No:9448250847 | 6/5/2020 |
Department of Basic Science | |||||
Sl. No | Subject Name | Subject Code | Semester | Guest Speaker Details | Date |
1 | Basic Electronics | 18ELN24 | II | Dr. Asif Hassan Associate Professor, Dept. of ECE, HMSIT, Tumkur Email: Mobile: 9743274694 | 22/04/2020 |
2 | Complex Analysis Probability & Statistical Methods | 18MAT41 | IV | Prof. Shantha Bhushan Department of Mathematics, Azim Premji University, Bengaluru Email: Mobile: 9902177922 | 24/04/2020 |
3 | Advanced Calculus and Numerical Methods | 18MAT22 | II | Prof. Narahari N, Dept. Of Mathematics, University Science College, Tumkur University, Tumkur Email: Mobile: 9739482878 | 25.04.2020 |
4 | Engineering Chemistry | 18CHE22 | II | Dr. Chandrashekar N Prof. & Head, Dept. of Chemistry SIET, Tumkur Email: Mobile: 9886956195 | 26.04.2020 |
5 | Engineering Chemistry | 18CHE22 | II | Dr. HB Muralidhar, Mobile: 9739315239 | 26.04.2020 |
6 | Elements of Mechanical Engineering | 18ME25 | II | Mr. Karthik SB, Assistant Professor, Dept. of ME, Dayanand Sagar University, Bangalore E-mail: Mobile:8951610920 | 27.04.2020 |
7 | Basic Electronics | 18ELN24 | II | Mr. Dileep Kumar MJ, Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE NMAM Institute of Technology Nitte, Dakshina Kannada Email: Mobile: 998657775 | 01.05.2020 |
8 | Complex Analysis Probability & Statistical Methods | 18MAT41 | IV | Prof. N Bhaskar Department of Mathematics Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysuru Email: Mobile: 9538320603 | 01/05/2020 |
- CIT has partnered with Coursera – Online Certification Platform, to enable the faculty members and students to acquire Certifications in various engineering courses offered by various universities world-wide.
- 698 students have obtained Coursera certifications during this lockdown period.

Internal Assessment Test
- Two Internal Assessment tests are conducted.
- The Question papers are mailed to the individual students’ mail ids as well as uploaded in the website during the start of the test.
- Mail ids are exclusively created for each department under the college domain.
- Students have written the answers with necessary headers, scanned the answer sheets, converted into a single PDF document and mailed within 20 minutes after the test duration.
- The students are asked to retain the answer sheets to submit to the departments after the college reopens.
- The departments have provided the helpline numbers to support the students who fail to receive the question papers in time.
- Guidelines are framed for allotting 10 marks for Assignment as part of Internal Assessment: Q&A based Learning – 4 marks, Assignment No. 1 – 3 marks, Assignment No. 2 – 3 marks.
- For Q&A based learning, 1 mark is awarded for each 3 multiple choice questions.
- Each Assignment is a 2 hours of work.
- The Assignments are submitted as soft copy or scanned copy of hand written.
- The soft copy submissions are accepted only with the plagiarism of less than 25%.
CET Coaching
A free CET coaching was commenced by CIT through online platform on 8th June, 2020 with the aim of providing quality coaching to students, who plan to appear for the CET Examination of Karnataka state and planned till 3rd July, 2020. Dr. CR Pradeep, Dr. Shambhulingaiah K S, Dr. Umesh Laddi and Dr. Vinay K are handling the coaching classes.