Unleash the magic within

flair 2K24

May 31st And june 1st, Channabasaveshwara Institute of Technology,Gubbi REGISTER


Please refer the following schedule and ensure that you're on time for the events you have registered to participate in.

09:00 AM to 01:00 PM

Flair Inauguration

Venue: Amphi Theatre

  • Guest Speech
  • Ethnic Day 2024
  • Ethnic DJ Procession
09:00 AM onwards

Photography & Videography

Venue: College Campus

12:00 PM02:00 PM

Face Painting and Rangoli

Venue: MC Block, Ground Floor

12:00 PM02:00 PM

Literary Events

Venue: Vega Lab, Regel Lab, IC Lab

  • Debate
  • Poetry Kannada
  • Poetry English
  • Photo Story Building
2:00 PM6:00 PM

Dance Events

Venue: Amphi Theatre

  • Classical Solo
  • Classical Duet
  • Western Solo
  • Western Duet
4:00 PM6:00 PM

Fine Arts

Venue: Vivekananda Hall

  • Pencil Sketch / Theme Drawing
7:00 PM10:00 PM


Venue: Main Stage

  • Lazy Dance
  • Classical/Folk Group
  • Western Group
DAY 2 | 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Graduation Day 2024

Venue: Auditorium

2:00 PM to 5:00 PM


Venue: Vivekananda Hall

  • Western Group
  • Western Duet
  • Western Solo
  • Classical Solo
  • Classical Duet/Group
3:00 PM6:00 PM

Theatre Events

Venue: Amphi Theatre

  • Mime
  • Skit
  • Mad Ads
  • Short Movie
6:00 PM to 10:00 PM

DJ (Sun Burn)

Venue: Main Stage

  • Fashion Show
  • Student Special Performance
  • Faculty Special Performance
  • Annual Sports Meet Prize Distribution
  • Flair Championship Announcement


Flair 2K24 Unleash the magic within, a national level Cultural fest organized by the CIT group of institution.

Copyright © All rights reserved | Made with by Hemanth H N, Chandan R M & Rakesh T S